Want to Earn More on Your Cash? Try Lending to a Family Member
If interest rates are low, you have to be strategic to earn more on your cash. But before you open your wallet, understand the risks and rewards.
5 Steps to Manage Money From Sudden Wealth
An unexpected windfall of cash creates unique opportunities and complexities to your finances. Learn five ways to thoughtfully manage sudden wealth so you keep the cash you have inherited.
No, You (Probably) Don’t Need Permanent Life Insurance
Nearly everyone needs life insurance, but permanent life insurance is rarely the right answer. Here’s what you need to know and how to find the right coverage for yourself (without overpaying).
What to Know Before You Buy Your First House
Math usually indicates the idea of a starter home as an “investment” is more myth than reality. If you are looking to buy your first house, here are four things you should know first.
How to Buy and Sell A House At The Same Time
If you need to buy and sell a house at the same time, the transition is complex. Learn how to streamline the process, what to look for, and what to avoid.
The 8 Essential Elements for a Complete Financial Plan
For true peace of mind and a path to financial freedom, you need a complete financial plan. Even if you already have one, make sure all of these essential eight elements are included.
Reverse Budgeting: Creating A Budget That Actually Works
Creating a budget and sticking to it is difficult for most people because the process is time consuming and restrictive. Traditional budgeting forces you to make every decision as if you live in a spreadsheet. But guess what? You don’t live in a spreadsheet.
7 Things To Know Before You Invest in Bitcoin
Cryptocurrencies have delivered eye-popping returns the last year. But if you want to invest in Bitcoin, you need to look at the future, not the past. Here are 7 things to know before you invest in Bitcoin.
Want to Invest in Gold? Here’s What You Should Know First
Inflation and massive economic stimulus have investors asking, “Should I invest in gold?” Get an advisors perspective before you consider the yellow metal.
Investing For Inflation
There is a good chance we will see higher inflation in the coming months. Here’s what you should know about inflation and the effects it will have on your portfolio.
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Take our assessment and quickly learn specific areas of your finances you should focus on to build and protect your wealth.
Peter Lazaroff, CFA, CFP® is Plancorp’s Chief Investment Officer, a financial advisor, speaker, and author of the book Making Money Simple.