A Common Mistake Many Investors Make: Mental Rigidity
It’s one thing to agree to a long-term investment plan at the onset of a relationship with a financial advisor, but the actual experience of riding out different market movements is harder in practice than in theory.
Avoid These 5 Costly Roth Conversion Mistakes
A partial Roth conversion is one of my favorite tools to help clients manage their retirement income taxes, so I get frustrated when I see that tool used in the wrong way. Learn five of the biggest mistakes that can often derail a Roth conversion strategy.
What To Do With RMDs You Don’t Need or Want
After age 70 ½, required minimum distributions (RMD’s) must be withdrawn from your traditional IRAs and 401(k)s each year—whether you need it or not. Learn 7 tips on what to do if you don’t want or need to take your RMDs.
It’s Not Free: Why You Need to Take a Closer Look at Commission-Free Trading
Commission-free trading creates splashy headlines but raises concerns that those revenues might be replaced with less transparent costs.
How an HSA Can Boost Your Retirement Savings
An HSA can offer a powerful chance to boost your long-term savings and provide a nest egg for medical expenses later in life
5 Finance Books That Influenced My System For Building Wealth
I recommend these finance books that made a big impact on me and influenced the final product in my first book Making Money Simple.
The Most Potent Combination For Wealth Creation
Time mixed with the power of compounding is the most potent combination for wealth creation. Compound interest allows you to grow wealth faster by earning a return on your past returns. This isn’t a linear relationship – it’s exponential. The human brain isn’t good at...
5 Questions People Don’t Ask Their Financial Advisor (But Should)
Here are some questions that can make sure your financial advisor is not only someone you can fully trust but also someone who’s doing the most for you.
The Most Important Rule In Planning For Retirement
There are many smart decisions you can make when it comes to saving for retirement. However, this one strategy will give you massive momentum.
Got Company Stock? Don’t Make This Common Mistake
Despite the dangers of a concentrated stock position, many people have too much of their savings riding on their employer’s shares. Here’s why you might have a blind spot about this risk.
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Take our assessment and quickly learn specific areas of your finances you should focus on to build and protect your wealth.
Peter Lazaroff, CFA, CFP® is Plancorp’s Chief Investment Officer, a financial advisor, speaker, and author of the book Making Money Simple.