How to Prepare for a Market Downturn
A safety net analysis allows you to understand how long you can withstand a downturn and what changes might be appropriate during this stage of a bull market.
My Top Articles for The Wall Street Journal in 2017
It was an honor to begin contributing to The Wall Street Journal last year. Even better, a few of my articles made their Top 5 Investing Posts of 2017.
Democratizing Investment and Financial Planning Advice
Just days after the launch of BrightPlan, I sat down with my friend Julie Cooling of RIA Database at Schwab IMPACT to discuss our new digital advice platform.
How to Automate Your Finances
Finances have a way of getting increasingly complicated in all stages of life. Putting your savings, bills, and investments on autopilot can greatly simplify things.
The Secret to Using Money to Buy Happiness
Why Doesn’t Stuff Make Us Happy? Does money buy happiness? Here’s the research on what might buy us the most happiness.
The Most Important Decision A Long-Term Investor Makes
Want to make sure you do not full short of the money you need to hit your long term financial goals? Read this important post on asset allocation.
How to Read More Books Next Year (and My Favorites from 2017)
Learn how to read more books next year, plus a list of my favorites from 2017 and a list of some titles I plan to read in 2018.
5 Tax Strategies for 2017 That Take Advantage of Tax Reform
The end of the year is traditionally a good time to tackle tax planning, but this year’s tax reform has narrowed the window of opportunity a bit.
Here are five strategies you can take in 2017 to lower your tax liability.
Should You Invest in Bitcoin?
The frenzy around cryptocurrencies only goes up by the day. All the excitement drives everyone from experienced professionals to average investors to wonder: should you invest in Bitcoin?
Talking About Bitcoin
I had the pleasure of speaking with John Pertzborn at Fox 2 St. Louis about Bitcoin. Here is a replay of the interview.
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Peter Lazaroff, CFA, CFP® is Plancorp’s Chief Investment Officer, a financial advisor, speaker, and author of the book Making Money Simple.