How to Set Up Your Emergency Fund
Your emergency fund can help you cover the cost of life’s unpleasant surprises. But do you know how big your emergency fund should be and where to keep it?
The Market is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
People place too much importance on explaining individual pieces of the market and not enough on how others think those pieces will interact with each other.
Thinking About Markets Like Piles of Sand
When you view financial markets as a complex adaptive system, it is easier to eliminate the futile cause and effect thinking that plagues so many investors.
Introducing a New Series to Explore Complex Adaptive Systems
I’ve made many references to financial markets being a complex adaptive system. Over the next several weeks, I’ll go into greater detail on the topic.
Good Habits for Managing Debts
I spoke with Dan Gray at Fox 2 News St. Louis to discuss good habits for managing debt. View the replay below:
Do It Yourself or Hire an Advisor?
Should you manage your money yourself or hire a professional to help you?
Time Beats Timing
It’s tempting to think about the possibility of buying and selling at just the right moment, but time is more important to investment success than timing.
What to Expect (With Your Finances) When You’re Expecting
Here’s how you can take action now to prepare your financial life for a new baby.
FA Magazine: Young Advisors to Watch
I was recently named by Financial Advisor Magazine as a Young Advisor to Watch. I am honored to be included among such an impressive group of people. You can read the full article here and check out what Plancorp had to say here.
The Hidden Costs of Changing Advisors
People change advisors all the time, but they don’t always consider the various costs they incur in the process.
Get A Free Financial Wellness Assessment
Take our assessment and quickly learn specific areas of your finances you should focus on to build and protect your wealth.
Peter Lazaroff, CFA, CFP® is Plancorp’s Chief Investment Officer, a financial advisor, speaker, and author of the book Making Money Simple.