When you plan to invest a large amount of money, you probably want to know when it’s best to invest that cash. Should you invest it all at once or dollar cost average over time? Listen now and learn: Historical probabilities of positive market returns How markets...
Jesse Cramer, author of The Best Interest, joins the show to share his in-depth research into the astounding math behind car ownership. Listen now and learn: How to evaluate the impact of time owned vs. miles driven When purchasing a used car is smarter than buying a...
The Federal Reserve recently unveiled a new payments system called FedNow that would replace the United State’s antiquated system created more than 50 years ago. But like anything else, change can cause anxiety and there is a lot of false information floating around...
In the second episode of a series about student loan debt, I’m joined by Tyler Olson, who provides financial advice and education for early and mid-career physicians. Listen now and learn: How to choose the right repayment plan When to refinance vs consolidate...
Cait Howerton, CFP® shares her deep expertise in student loans and provides a broad overview on strategies for paying them off. Listen now and learn: Challenges high-earning professionals with student loans face Strategies for managing student debt during low...
John Jennings, author of The Uncertainty Solution joins the show to explain how to invest with confidence in inherently uncertain and unpredictable markets. Listen now and learn: How humans react to uncertainty The difference between the economy and the stock market...